This schooling grid allows the rider to experiment with different options of the canter stride to get the correct place for the take-off stride. As we’ll see, it is easier to place the stride correctly if we approach this grid with the same canter repeatedly, thus the bounce on the way-in for a first canter stride properly placed in the grid. The goal is to avoid influencing the horse with the hand or leg aids to allow the horse as much freedom as possible when he gets close to the jump at the end of the line and over the jump.
The set-up starts with 4 normal strides with a normal distance which allows the rider and the horse to gain confidence including green horses as it is the case in the video. The rider can easily set the good ingredients for a good jump by perfecting her wide angle view and a position that is consistent with the control and relaxation we’re seeking. Remember that 90% of the distance issues when jumping, take root in the rider’s mind. As seen many times, as soon as the doubt or fear arises, the rider’s body gets stiff, the eyes look down and the position worsen which results in a negative impact on the horse locomotion and mind. In such conditions, it is indeed challenging to have a good place. Thus the benefits of riding these kind of grids to implement confidence. Only when the rider is able to ride in a relaxed and loosened position, will the rider be able to influence the canter stride of the horse to place the horse correctly.
This exercise is linked to the sheet OBS2 of the booklet Training program 1