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How to deal with emotions approaching fences
It’s easy to feel calm and serene in our life if we stay in the comfort zone of our daily activities. The repetition of the same actions in the same situation is a reassuring way to chase away the concerns and questions about life (...)

How to use the strength and muscular power of the horse
It is necessary for one’s horse to be straight so it can use all its strength and muscular power. Many faults are the result of a jump drifting to the left or the right of the fence.

Having the horse on the bit . Part 2
I usually advise riders to start by riding at a walk on a circle with a diameter of about 10 to 15 metres. As I am sure you have noticed, horses are not symmetrical: they usually bend better on the side their manes fall. It is therefore preferable to start on this rein (...)

How to correctly jump spooky fences on course
On any course, there are fences that are more worrying than others: water jumps, fillers, liverpools… It is important to have previously found a solution, to eliminate all negative thoughts (...)

The rider’s correct muscle tone
In order to understand the importance of a correctly positioned back, we need to learn about our muscle system and about the difference between the postural muscles and phasic or movement muscles (...)

Having the horse on the bit . Part 1
Everyone, basically, wishes for a more or less well-behaved horse.But then, knowing how to achieve this calls for a little patience and attention. And yet, how rewarding it is to ride an obedient horse: well-designed curves, light transitions…and all the paces of your choice (...)

The horse's physical preparation . Part 2
With a horse in good shape, there is no need to resort to chemical products, vitamins, infiltrations or other “concealing agents”. Personally, I eliminated all that more than 10 years ago (...)

The horse's physical preparation . Part 1
Horses are just like us, it is possible to mould and improve them to reveal their real potential. One must simply do things naturally (...)

Eliminating excuses
For many years I have taught riders of all levels and there is one issue that often stops progress: excuses. In riding, they generally appear when a rider is faced with a difficult exercise.

The rider's mental preparation
Everything that happens to us is directly linked to the way we think. Awareness of this aspect is indispensable to making progress. The rider’s mental preparation is therefore a priority (...)