Variations on amplitude at a canter

This exercise is a very good gymnastic preparing the rider as much as the horse for jumping. It makes the rider work on different possible lengths canter’s stride to achieve the number of strides required, while favouring the horse’s understanding.
This exercise is a very good gymnastic preparing the rider as much as the horse for jumping. It makes the rider work on different possible lengths canter’s stride to achieve the number of strides required, while favouring the horse’s understanding.
The goal is to go over a line of cavalettis varying the length of the canter’s stride, not from far away, but in between the set-up.
The rider will have to anticipate his actions while paying attention to the path and his position.
The exercise could seem easy but it requires, in fact, a high level of concentration from the rider, and very adjustable horse.
Michel rides the exercise on Vivaldi du Seigneur , a 7 YO horse (Haras de Hus). His student Marine rides the same exercise on Charles De Gaulle, another stallion owned by the Haras de Hus.
The best would be to go one or two times counting the strides, and then to adapt the canter to achieve a set goal, for example 5 and 6 strides, then 6 and 5 strides.
Le dispositif
Le mieux est de faire 1 ou 2 passages en comptant ses foulées et
d’adapter ensuite son galop pour réaliser un objectif précis, par
exemple, 5 et 6, puis 6 et 5.