Improve the horse’s technique

It is a very good exercise for improving the horse’s jumping technique, especially for those that tend to jump with their knees beneath them. If I were obliged to choose only one exercise this would be it. I have tested it for decades and always obtained excellent results, especially with young horses, although the exercise is also useful for horses at all levels.
It is a very good exercise for improving the horse’s jumping technique, especially for those that tend to jump with their knees beneath them. If I were obliged to choose only one exercise this would be it. I have tested it for decades and always obtained excellent results, especially with young horses, although the exercise is also useful for horses at all levels. The aim is to allow the horse to improve its jumping technique. If the jump over the first fence is not very good, you will notice that the next jumps will improve as you repeat the exercise.
The horse :
This exercise is aimed at improving the horse’s jumping technique, and above all the way it uses its neck allowing it to quickly pull up its knees (only if the rider accompanies the movement with his hands).
The rider :
You must, above all, remain centred on your reference position and keep contact with the horse because these are short distances. The eyes are of course looking towards the end of the line. You should also ensure that the horse is kept well within the axis and at the centre of the line.
Repeat 3 or 4 times and then, for example, add a filler (or a liverpool) under the second or the last vertical to get the horse used to “strange” fences”. Since the distances within this exercise are ‘correct’, it is easy to progressively raise the fences, while maintaining heights that increase from the first to the third fence.
Number of times the exercise should be ridden :
Repeat this exercise 4 or 5 times at heights you are accustomed to.
Should you decide to raise the fences a little, raise the last fence. Stop and pat your horse as soon as he has jumped correctly.