How to deal with a hot horse : video 3

Alice’s horse is overwhelmed as it’s his first time working in a field. Open spaces, other horses around, news jumps ….all are excuses for him to express his joy!
4 videos - Total time: 30 mn
Alice came to stay a few days for a clinic at Michel Robert’s yard. The first videos show Alice’s preliminary flat work lessons. Alice’s horse is overwhelmed as it’s his first time working in a field. Open spaces, other horses around, news jumps ….all are excuses for him to express his joy! During this lesson, Michel will emphasise on the body position and mind-set the rider needs to adopt, in order to deal with her horse’s emotions, while working him with no excessive constraints. This lesson will show you that it’s possible to control a high energy level horse without any rein-aids or other kind of coercive methods which can ruin the horse’s mind and body.
This lesson is divided in 4 videos;
. Some primary advice to deal with the attitude of a horse who is worried or hot.
. An exercise that will make Alice work on her position when turning and on straight lines.
. Improving Alice’s position and her body movements during the up and down transitions.
. A first ground pole course to evaluate if the rider will be able to control her horse over a course.